SHANGHAI DSKS MOLECULAR SIEVE LTD, a manufacturer of high quality molecular sieves, was established more than 20 years ago and its headquarters is still based at the original location on Shanghai,China.With manufacturing facilities in Shanghai and Anhui,China, we offer to our customers a wide range of high performance products and provide coordinated global support to all molecular sieve adsorbent marketsNuclear sewage contains a variety of radioactive elements, such as uranium, plutonium, ...
Nuclear contaminated water contains a variety of radioactive elements, such as uranium, plutonium, cesium, strontium, iodine, cobalt, etc., some of which have a long half-life, such as the half-life of uranium 238 is 4.5 billion years, and the half-life of plutonium 239 is 24,000 years. These radioactive elements have serious harm to the human body
Nuclear contaminated water refers to water contaminated by nuclear fuel, such as highly radioactive wastewater generated in a nuclear leakage accident, or cooling water in direct contact with nuclear fuel. These waters usually contain a large number of radioactive elements, such as uranium, plutonium, cesium, strontium, iodine, cobalt, etc., with h
Nuclear contaminated water refers to the pollution in the case of nuclear accidents, and its high pollutant content has serious impact on the ecological environment and human health. It is very important to understand how to deal with nuclear contaminated water.
Nuclear contaminated water refers to the water environment contaminated by radioactive substances, such as nuclear leakage, nuclear accident, nuclear explosion caused by the environment with relatively high concentration of radioactive substances in the water.
Nuclear wastewater refers to the waste water produced in the production process, its production is inevitable, but also controllable and manageable, which means that we can purify it through appropriate treatment methods, and reasonable treatment of these waste water.
Nuclear wastewater refers to water containing radioactive isotopes discharged from nuclear power plants, such as low-level radioactive wastewater used for cleaning, dust removal, desalting and other purposes, or wastewater that still contains trace amounts of radioactive substances after treatment.
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